Glasgow Presbytery Plan Creation Group - Update
Communications received in February 2022
You will be aware that all Presbyteries in Scotland have to provide a plan as to how they will address the required reduction in ministry posts in the years ahead.
In Glasgow, the appointed Presbytery Plan Creation Group (PPCG) has to bring a draft Mission Plan before Presbytery for approval by September 2022 and the Faith Nurture Forum and General Trustees by December 2022.
In early February the group sent out to all congregations in Glasgow Presbytery two letters and a map, showing the proposed zones that the presbytery has been divided into. It has been suggested that Rutherglen Stonelaw should be allocated to Zone 5. The Kirk Session met on 1st February and agreed to this. You can see the zones in the map on this page. Please click on the map to download a PDF which shows all the proposed congregations in each Zone.
You can also download the communications from Presbytery: Letter 1 and Letter 2.
Please email if you would like any more information about this process.