Stonelaw Church
Opening Hours
Worship at Stonelaw
Sunday Services - 10:30am
It is so good to be able to be together in God’s house. For those unable to be in the Sanctuary, we will continue on Zoom. Please contact info@stonelawchurch.org if you would like to receive the Zoom codes. A creche is available at all Sunday morning services.
Wednesday Half-hour Service
The half-hour service at 2.00-2.30pm is an informal gathering in the Meeting Place, which includes a short reflection, some singing, praying and a time of fellowship - with tea, coffee and home baking. Why not bring along someone who might find this helpful? These services run on the first Wednesday of the month - come along - we’d love to see you there!
Other activities at Stonelaw
We have a range of other activities including Housegroups and Cafe Church.
In addition, we have a number of groups and organisations - find out about these here.
There is so much going on that the best way to find out everything is to read our most recent magazine, which is published quarterly.
Cafe @ The Meeting Place
Our Cafe @ The Meeting Place is a very friendly environment, with great tea, coffee and hot chocolate and delicious home baking. Join us any day from Monday - Saturday from 10.30-12.30. Hope to see you there!
Toddler Group
During term time, we operate two Toddler Groups every week from 9.45 - 11.30am. To register for a Wednesday morning, please email Mary McDougall on mcdoums@yahoo.co.uk.
Our Toddler Group is also open on a Friday morning. To register, please email Jennifer Menzies on jennifermenzies70@gmail.com.